Thursday, October 12, 2006

Mythology... what If...

Mythology is a subjective thing i think. I mean with this new series we are using snippets of tons of mythologies, Sumerian, Catholic, Jewish, Druidic, celtic... and its seems to work so far. Not to mention we have the real sci fi fantasy mythologies of the elder gods and the prophecies of Crowley and Nuit... this is truly eclectic. I mean its contemporary in setting, though its gott so much old world wrath of god shit in it im not sure if it could be considered sacrilege. Not that it would matter to me one way or another,its just fiction, but you have to wonder about those writers that work with the devine.

As one of those, i have to say i never thought it was possible. In the first book we tackle some tough themes and ideas about why the Fallen really fell, not just what was taught us in Sunday school. Now wrap your head around this...

So many stories deal with the balance. The balance between good and evil and light and dark. Fallen Angels maybe didnt fall because they were evil, maybe they had a difference of opinion with the High and Mighty. Maybe when they fell they were twisted slightly so that evil would come more natural to them and the other Angels would have a reason to snub them. Maybe they were just people who couldnt take being so above it all. At least thats how we write them. But what if Lucifer wasnt wrong, merely had a different way of looking at things. What if the stories are right, and hes been here since the beginning of the reign of the Pantheon, while those on High just have better PR? This is shit we are dealing with in this book series, and my sister being Catholic and myself raised Pagan, it forms a lot of questions to both of us.

This book, the second in the series has to deal with the Christianity pantheon and the fact that the darker forces in that pantheon have to save the world because those on High wont be sullied. What if that was true? i mean what if when it came down to it, we had the darker forces to thank for the nixing of armeggedon? could the world really deal with that? I mean this pantheon has been ruling the majority of the world (And in our books it means the three major religions... Christianity, Judaism and Islam)for longer then the rest (the greek pantheon, the celtic, the Norse.. ect...) and they have to do this themselves? What if you were on the wrong side? when the chips fell, what if?

Ok now i know im going to get some hate mail for this one... but... i guess so be it..


Cassandra said...

Hmm...not sure about old Luc, but I know Lilith got a bad rap. Now that's an angle I'd like to see explored! :)

Stella Price said...

Funny.. Miss Lilith is a little further down the line... but yes shes got her own story too.... lol.

Unknown said...

very interesting........... definitely an idea I hadn't considered, but certainly an interesting take.

I love it. :) But I lvoe anything that makes me think. :)