Monday, September 27, 2010

Back to normal!

I'm back to normal after the insanity of AAD. Very excited that its over, but I had a great time this year, and we are already working on next year. Super excited about that. We raised a lot of money for the charities, gave away a ton of books and goodies, and had a generally all around good time. Next year is going to kick this years ass, I guarantee it. And you better be there. (Registration opens in November!)

So on the personal front, I took our appointments, and I'm waiting to hear back on two of them. Here's hoping, total fingers crossed. I had a great time getting to know the agent that we pitched to, and regardless if she wants to rep us or not, shes one hell of a woman, and has my respect always, just for being a generally awesome person. She really went above and beyond to meet authors and be a part of the event. Super sweet.

The one thing that happens when i get back from a romance con, is I wanna write. I get the renewed push and the itch, and it all is wondrous again. And I have ideas about doing writers retreats for the coming years, but its just ideas at this point. It needs to simmer. or fester. take your pick.

Audra and I are working on a few different things right now, but are focusing on something that we had put aside for a while. After this event, it just seemed right to pick it up again, as we both got some great ideas about it. Here's hoping we can rock it in a short amount of time.

So I have a few more appearances before the end of the year as well. This weekend is Collingswood Book festival, and then the weekend after is AlbaCon. Very excited about both. AlbaCon is my end of the year con, and its one I always do well at. Ill be on a slew of panels as well, so come out, hangout, buy books and get drunk with us. its a good time, I swear it.

So I'm back to work... Enjoy your week all, I will.

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