*Thirteen Obscure movies i have watched recently*
1.Hard Candy.
Well I didnt know what this was about, and I wont tell you either, but WOW what a powerful movie! The chick that plays kitty pride in X MEN is the main chick and this is a brutal story.
Ok, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jennifer Tilly and I saw this and decided to pick this up because low and behold, Gina Gershon was in it as well. I didnt have ONE CLUE what i was getting into with this one... and i had to sit here watching this with my grandparents. If you have seen this flick, you know EXACTLY what im talking about. Oh and Joey Pants nude in one scene? EWWWW!
3.Tipping the Velvet
Ok I KNEW i was getting a flick about lesbians, which was fine, since i had read the book the movie was based off of, but WOW. It was a BBC thing, and my sister tells me all the time what prudes they are overseas, and i tend not to believe her... and i believe her EVEN LESS now. Still, the story was a good one.
James Spader is one of those no so hot hot guys you know, but i LOVED this movie! What a refreshing change, and what a love story! Movies like that give alternative literature hope.
5.Now You Know
This flick was done by the guy that played Randal in Clerks 1 and 2. OMG i was laughing SO HARD! Seriously, what a great movie! and the kid that played Elias in Clerks 2 is in it...hes hysterical too.
6.Grammas Boy
Anyone else see this? It was done by Adam Sandlers freinds. OMG. this is quite possibly the FUNNIEST movie i haver EVER seen. I mean i cant even discribe it. Rent it if you can.
7.The Thirst.
OK. Now Im a fan of jeremy Sisto. but this is too much. what a HUGE piece of garbage. And the chick that played glory on buffy (ewwww) was in it too. was a bad vampire flick. Seriously Im thinking of emailing the production company and demanding the hour and 40 mins of my life back.
8.Strictly Ballroom.
Thank the netflicks gods! i have always LOVED this movie and its been ages since i have seen it. If you havent seen this, OMG you HAVE to!!!
9.Embrace of the Vampire
YEP. what a piece of CRAP. First of all, the guy that plays the vampy is UNATTRACTIVE, but Alyssa Milano is just the wrong kinda whore in this flick. i think theres some serious plot holes in this one.
10.Ring Around the Rosie
OK. another load of garbage. Im still trying to figure out what possessed me to rent this and actually watch it. stay far far away.
11.The Covenant
OMG, not a obscure movie,but i had to put it on here. this movie is The Craft for chicks, only they have some very sexy half naked man candy in this one. Dont get me wrong the acting was good, but the story LACKED severely. Still waiting on a directors cut to save it.
12.An American Haunting.
Little did i know this movie was about child abuse and incest. See they dont tell you that when you see the previews. totally killed it for me. I mean yes, its an importnant topic, but i wanna enjoy my horror and NOT get a moral thrust at me at the end.
The David Cronenberg Epic about Sex and Car crashes.. OMG i adore this movie. Joe, on the other hand, didnt. I mean kinda hot, young James Spader (yep hes showing up again on this list) and some really messed up movie ideas. I really need to make him a character in a book... hes so versatile. What an erotic flick.. i mean creepiness aside, its pretty hot.
Interesting list. 3 and 8 are the only ones I'd heard off. Sounds like some of them were duds. Happy TT.
Wow, I'm out of it, but I'll make note of some of these. Interesting list!
I really enjoyed Crash. It was very distrubing when they'd make out after seeing an accident. Gave me the creeps.
I'll have to check out some of these other ones.
Interesting list. I may have to check some of them out.
Amen, sister. lol
I've seen many of these. Totally agree on the James Spader thing, especially when he was younger.
I caught bits and pieces of Tipping the Velvet but would like to see it in it's entirity. Oh, and the thing about people oversees being uptight? SO NOT TRUE. In Europe, anyway, they're much more liberal and open minded when it comes to sex. Just go to Amsterdam and you'll see what I mean! :)
I loved the Secretary! My husband loved it more... It was really strange, but a good movie. I laughed from the beginning of Gramma's Boy to the end. And yeah... Embrace of the Vampire! *rolls eyes*
Hmm... I've only seen #9 and #11. And the latter because my goddaughter dragged me to see it. Hahaha!
Wow, I have only ever heard of the last one...
Where have I been.....
Great TT!
Tipping the Velvet was shown on TV here... great miniseries. If you liked it, check out Fingersmith... written by the same author, also made by the BBC - was dark and twisty fun
YAY! I actually saw one of those!!!! I love strictly ballroom, I have seen bits and pieces of crash too, from what I've seen, that's one powerful movie.
I've heard of Crash and loved Strictly Ballroom, too. What a neat movie.
Isn't Netflix great? I've come across stuff I'd never rent but with Netflix, I don't know. It seems more worth it somehow.
I have seen a few of those-gonna have to check out the others.
I haven't seen any of these but #9 and I agree, horrid!
i've heard of only about 4 from your list ... i think it's about time for me to be updated! lol.
thanks for visiting; enjoyed reading yours! :)
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