Monday, January 29, 2007

and i shall rule the world with a Gwin by my side...

apparently someone too me seriously with my Bribery post, yep you know who you are... lol, and here he sits, next to my lap top in all his octopus glory. hes been feeding me ideas of world domination, and been telling me how best to keep my treasure hoard safe... If i had a treasure hoard... though hes resigned himself to finding some for me....

so i dont have to do it myself. heh.

We finished our Phaze Fantasies submission and sent it to Phaze this morning. We are pretty pleased with it and its one less thing on our plate to do. I'm hoping this week to get another off to the pubby as well. i love when we are prolific... It always feels good to get back to work and get stuff done.

back to work.. the gwin has some great ideas about ruling the world...

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