Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Feyd and Fallon do it up demonstyle...

Feyd and Fallon got the distinct honor to be interviewed by Jessie from Jackie Kessler's Succubus Series! Needless to say its amusing as all get out, and the boys pulled out ALL the stops and had quite the potty mouth. Feyd's even got a little crush on Jezzie, LOL. So pop by and read it here

Jackie Kessler is the wonderfully talented author of several books about her Sucubus Jezebel and you can see her work (Hells Belles and the Road to Hell) at her webby

Though Arcady is pouting as he really wanted to chat with the succubus, keeps saying they would have more in common then Feyd and Fal. *shrugs* Im not opening that can of worms.

1 comment:

Suzette said...

Great interview! What are those two up to during the holidays is what I want to